The Admin Role#

User Admin#

As admin, you can create and manage user accounts. Each of these accounts will have a role as described in User Roles and Capabilities. Additionally, there are workflows available to you as an admin to affect users as a group or as individuals described below.

Loading Locations for Geographic Access Support#

To set up VA Explorer for the Geographic Access mentioned in that section, you must load location data into the system.

Locations in VA Explorer follow an assumed three-level hierarchical structure by which each facility or hospital maps to an associated Level 2 (“District”) and Level 1 (“Province”) hierarchy. Each facility also has a corresponding key, which represents the XML option used in the dropdown list within ODK or Kobo, and a status which indicates if the Facility is actively producing VAs or not.

The table below shows an example location hierarchy for States, Counties, and Cities in the United States. In this example, we have one state (California), two counties (Marin and Los Angeles), and three cities (Sausalito, San Rafael, and Los Angeles).

An example geographic hierarchy in tabular format#







Marin County

Sausalito Hospital




Marin County

San Rafael Clinic




Los Angeles County

Los Angeles Hospital



The input is similarly structured to support any number of geographic hierarchies for VA Explorer users. With a CSV file in hand, you can now supplement your initial system set up with the load_locations management command. Full usage details for this are provided in Management Commands. The specification of the input CSV file is as follows:

Expected columns for the location file#

Column Name




Level 1 Administrative Boundary Name

One of the label::English values as defined in the VA XLSForm


Level 2 Administrative Boundary Name

One of the label::English values as defined in the VA XLSForm


Facility or Hospital Name

One of the label::English values as defined in the VA XLSForm


Facility or Hospital XML Value

The choice name associated with the label::English defined in the previous column


Whether the facility is still actively producing VAs

One of: ‘Active’ or ‘Inactive’

Following this command, VA Explorer should support geographic restrictions to any area or facility you’ve provide, making them available during user creation and editing. Note that access to geographies higher up in the given tree equates to access for that geographic area as well as all its children-geographies. For example, in the above tree a user with access to California also has access to Marin County, Los Angeles County, Sausalito, San Rafael, and Los Angeles.

Updating locations in VA Explorer#

When VAs are imported into VA Explorer, they are matched exactly on the locations loaded into the system in this step. If a VA does not have a valid location field, VA Explorer will track that mismatch as an error that either needs to be corrected in the VA Explorer locations file or in the underlying VA data. To add a location to VA Explorer, re-upload a revised location file following the load_locations management command. If a row is deleted from the locations file, it will also be kept in VA Explorer and marked inactive. To permanently delete locations in VA Explorer, re-upload a revised location file following the load_locations management command with --delete_previous. Warning: doing so may delete all VAs in the database, so make sure to backup the system first.

Creating & Editing Users#

Click “Users” in the navigation bar to visit the Users page. Click the “Create User” button to access the user creation form. Alternatively, click the “Edit” button in the table row for the user you would like to edit. Required fields are marked with an asterisk(*). To fill in the form:

  1. Enter the user’s name

  2. Enter the user’s email address. An email address can be used in the system once

  3. Choose the user’s role from the dropdown menu

  4. Check “Can View PII” if the user is allowed to view PII in the system. Also check “Can Download Data” if the should be allowed to export VA data from the system. See Abilities to Download and View PII Data for details on these permissions if needed

  5. Select the geographic region(s), facility, facilities this user can access. Users with a Field Worker role must be assigned to at least one facility

Click “Create” to create the user or “Update” if editing a user. “Cancel” will take you back to the Users page without completing the action.

When the “Create” button is clicked during the “Create” process or the “Update” button is clicked during the “Edit” process, VA Explorer validates the information you have entered. If there are errors associated with the provided data, VA Explorer will not create or update the user and the system will show error messages in red underneath the fields that require correction. Follow instructions to correct these errors and complete the user creation or edit process if needed.

Deactivating Users#

User accounts are deactivated rather than deleted from VA Explorer. When a user account is deactivated, they will no longer be able to sign into the system. Their associated data, however, will still be visible. To deactivate a user, click “Users” in the navigation bar to visit the Users page. Click the “Edit” button in the table row for the user you would like to deactivate. Uncheck the “Active” checkbox. Click “Update.” The user will now be deactivated.

Bulk Creating Users#

If you would like to create multiple users at once, particularly during initial system set up, VA Explorer provides that functionality as a management command. Please refer to Management Commands for details on running get_user_form_template and bulk_load_users to obtain a bulk user creation template and to create your set of users based on that input file.

Data Admin#

As admin, you have full access to all data-related actions. Each step of the process, from import to editing, to export has workflows available to you as an admin to affect it as needed.

Manually Importing Data#

If you would like to manually import data from file, (perhaps if troubleshooting the automatic import process) VA Explorer supports this through the load_va_csv management command. Please refer to Management Commands for details on usage.

Similarly, if you have configured VA Explorer to integrate with ODK and would like to manually import data from ODK, VA Explorer also supports this. Use import_from_odk similarly detailed in Management Commands

Manually Running Coding Algorithms#

VA Explorer currently supports the InterVA5 coding algorithm and its associated settings to assign cause of death (COD) and may support other coding algorithms in the future such as InSilicoVA. The InterVA5 coding algorithm depends on the docker services as described in Algorithm Support

To run InterVA5 manually, use run_coding_algorithms or see the entry for it in Management Commands for full usage details. After the command has finished execution, a brief report of results should be printed to console used to run the management command (ex. Coded 24 verbal autopsies (out of 30) [6 issues]) or an error message if pyCrossVA or InterVA5 are somehow unavailable; if that is the case, please refer to the Troubleshooting section.

Management Commands#

Beyond actions supported by the VA Explorer interface, there are a series of management commands available exclusively to developers, admins, and IT staff helping to maintain the service. To take advantage of these special commands, admins and IT staff need to, from the server hosting the VA Explorer instance, enter VA Explorer’s main Django container like so docker exec -it va_explorer_django_1 bash. From there is available for calling the following commands via: <command> --<parameter_name>=<parameter_input>

from within the container. Below is a selection of management commands, generally useful to admins. An even fuller list of these can be found under Development Commands

Descriptions and lists of parameters for select management commands related to administration of VA Explorer#

Command Name

Parameter Names


(*) = Required


--csv_file (*)

Used to manually import data from file to into VA Explorer’s database. csv_file is a filename in the local folder or unix:path format location of the file. Can be used with random_locations for test or demo data to randomly assign the VA to a field worker with specific location restrictions. True or False; defaults to False



--csv_file (*)

Used to load initial location data needed to support Geographic access. csv_file is a filename in the local folder or unix:path format location of the file. Can be used with delete_previous to delete existing location data and start fresh with the new locations being loaded. True or False; defaults to False




Used to refresh the locations assigned to all of the VAs in the database if a new location file is loaded into the system using the load_locations management command. This command does not add or delete any VAs from the database; it simply remaps the existing VAs to the new locations.



Utility to obtain the current list of locations in the VA Explorer system in the CSV format with header fields corresponding to fields expected by the system. The intended use case for this utility is when administrators need to update the location file by first downloading the existing locations, making any necessary updates, and re-uploading a revised version using load_locations. output_file is a filename or unix:path format location to save template to. Default is locations_[[date]].csv where [[date]] is the date and time of export.



Used to call supported algorithms for assignment of cause of death to all uncoded verbal autopsies. overwrite allows this command to clear (and save) all existing CoD assignments before running on every verbal autopsy regardless of whether it’s coded or not. True or False; defaults to False cod_fname is a filename or unix:path format location to save the old CoDs to. Defaults to old_cod_mapping.csv


get_user_form _template


Utility to obtain a bulk user creation template csv with header fields corresponding to fields of the current User model. output_file is a filename or unix:path format location to save template to. Default is user_form_fields.csv


--user_list_file (*)

Used to bulk create user accounts, assigning a temporary password to each. user_list_file is a filename in the local folder or unix:path format location of the users file. Can be used with email_confirmation if an email server has been setup to automatically send an email with the new temporary password to each created user. True or False; defaults to False (prints to console instead so passwords must manually be passed to users somehow)




Used to export an anonymized (No PII) list of all users in the system along with their roles and permissions. Useful for non-invasively correlating user activity in VA Explorer logs. output_file is a filename in the local folder or unix:path format location of the file to export user info to. Defaults to user_list.csv. user_file is a separate filename in the local folder or unix:path format location of a .txt file containing emails (one per line) of specific users to export. Defaults to all users if no file.


mark_vas_as _duplicate


Used to manually run (or re-run if config is changed) duplicate checking within VA Explorer. Contains no parameters as behavior is determined by the configuration variable QUESTIONS_TO_AUTODETECT_DUPLICATES see Configuration & Deployment

Additionally, if VA Explorer has been configured with integrations, the following additional management commands are available. If the environment variables (see Integrations) that enable these integrations to work automatically are not defined, consider all parameters required for these management commands.

Descriptions and lists of parameters for select management commands related to integrations#

Command Name

Parameter Names




Used to manually import VA data from ODK Central. Parameters are as described for the equivalent environment variables listed in Integrations > ODK Central








Used to manually import VA data from KoboToolbox. Parameters are as described for the equivalent environment variables listed in Integrations > KoboToolbox




Used to manually setup VA Explorer to report WHO CoD Codes in the format expected by DHIS2 and must be run before first export will succeed. csv_file is a filename in the local folder or unix:path format location of the csv file. csv file has the header codsource,codcode,codname,codid



Used to manually export VA data to DHIS2. Parameters are as described for the equivalent environment variables listed in Integrations > DHIS2


