IT Support#

The VA Explorer team anticipates that there may be IT staff supporting the use of VA Explorer and recognizes that IT training for VA Explorer is different from that for day-to-day VA Explorer admins. The guides in this section outline estimated level of support for interested IT groups within organizations and to cover guidance this final type of user and their abilities. In some cases, the VA Explorer administrator may also serve as the IT staff.

Backing Up VA Explorer#

VA Explorer is distributed with utilities to backup data from the built-in database service. However, the server itself is something left to IT Staff/Admins to backup if desired. Some popular options for this are taking incremental backups of the server filesystem via snapshot utility Rsnapshot or even simple shell script.

Whichever method is chosen, establishing a regular backup method will help protect against critical loss of VA Explorer components such as your .env file, https certificates, reverse proxy configurations, and other items from previous installation and setup.

Upgrading VA Explorer#

Those wanting to upgrade to the latest version of VA Explorer can do so easily via git, the same way they installed the software. Do another git pull, ensuring that any changes you or your organization have made such as configuring the .env file, are not erased.

If IT Admins need to migrate to a newer postgres database, as is occasionally the case, then that process is a bit more involved:

  1. (optional) If existing migration volumes exist from a past upgrade, delete those now:

docker volume rm va_explorer_migration_postgres_data va_explorer_migration_postgres_data_backups
  1. Make a logical backup of all current data

docker exec -it va_explorer_vapostgres_1 /usr/bin/pg_dumpall -U postgres > ~/dumpfile
  1. Make backups of old volumes by cloning data

  • Get docker-compose labels

docker volume inspect va_explorer_production_postgres_data
docker volume create \
    --label com.docker.compose.project="va_explorer" \
    --label com.docker.compose.version="1.26.0" \
    --label com.docker.compose.volume="migration_postgres_data" \
  • Clone data

docker container run --rm -it -v va_explorer_production_postgres_data:/from -v va_explorer_migration_postgres_data:/to alpine ash -c "cd /from ; cp -av . /to"
  • Repeat for backup volumes

docker volume inspect va_explorer_production_postgres_data_backups
docker volume create \
    --label com.docker.compose.project="va_explorer" \
    --label com.docker.compose.version="1.26.0" \
    --label com.docker.compose.volume="migration_postgres_data_backups" \
docker container run --rm -it -v va_explorer_production_postgres_data_backups:/from -v va_explorer_migration_postgres_data_backups:/to alpine ash -c "cd /from ; cp -av . /to"
  1. Delete old volumes that no longer work with postgres version

docker volume rm va_explorer_production_postgres_data va_explorer_production_postgres_data_backups
  1. Build new VA Explorer release & rebuild fresh old volumes (no data)

docker-compose down && docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d
  1. Copy over backup dumpfile data to new container

docker cp ~/dumpfile va_explorer_vapostgres_1:/tmp/dumpfile
docker exec -it va_explorer_vapostgres_1 bash
psql -U postgres


DROP DATABASE may fail as the new container does migrations, just re-try

DROP DATABASE va_explorer;
CREATE DATABASE va_explorer;
psql -U postgres < /tmp/dumpfile
  1. Run docker-compose restart

  2. Confirm that all data made it / backup & restore appears successful

  3. Use the old volumes va_explorer_migration_postgres_data and va_explorer_migration_postgres_data_backups to rollback if needed.

See also any release notes associated with new VA Explorer versions that may contain version-specific upgrade instructions in the future.