User Permissions#

There are four VA Explorer user roles, each with different capabilities. A user may only have one role per account/email address, but there may be multiple users assigned to each type of role (e.g., a user can only be one of Admin, Data Manager, Data Viewer, or Field Worker; but there may be multiple Admins, Data Managers, Data Viewers, and/or Field Workers). The table below provides a high-level description of each role.

List of available roles and their descriptions#




Admins oversee the VA Explorer system. By default, Admins have full access to the application. This includes data for all VAs as well access to all system functions such as managing accounts, importing, processing, and exporting data.

Data Manager

Data Managers have near full access VA Explorer, equivalent to admin access without the ability to create and manage user accounts. Has full access to VA data and system functions unless any restrictions (ex. Geographic) are placed on them by the admin.

Data Viewer

Data Viewers have access that allows them use VA Explorer for reporting purposes – a Data Viewer can view, analyze via the dashboard, or search through VAs but cannot modify any VAs

Field Worker

Field Workers have similar permissions to Data Viewers, but are allowed only allowed full access to view and modify VAs for their own location. This allows them to assist data managers in repairing any cause of death errors.

Users should have a role with the fewest capabilities and least record access required to perform their job. For example, if a user only needs to be able to view VA data, a Data Manager role would not be appropriate.

Geographic Access#

Your admin may also associate your account with specific geographic regions or facilities. This assignment is called “Geographic Access” in VA Explorer. If your account has this restriction, VA Explorer only shows you VAs from your assigned regions or facilities. The default geographic restriction is the broadest “National” access, which shows VAs from all regions. To support additional location restriction options beyond the default, Admins should follow the guide in Loading Locations for Geographic Access Support

Abilities to Download and View PII Data#

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is a category of information that can be used to identify an individual. Some users may be further restricted from viewing or downloading certain data such as PII or, separately, from downloading data altogether for privacy or policy reasons. Users do not have these restrictions by default, so Admins will determine if individual users have this restriction. If users have the download data restriction, they will not be able to use the Export feature. If users are restricted from viewing PII, the following fields will not appear in the application or in downloaded data. Instead, fields will automatically be replaced with ** redacted **.

List of VA fields redacted for users without PII viewing permissions#

VA Field

Meaning/Information Protected


Name of VA respondent


First name of subject


Surname of subject


Name of subject’s father


Name of subject’s mother


Subject death registration number


Subject national identification number