
VA Explorer supports integrations with a variety of services, some built-in, some external, in order to facilitate the quick and efficient movement or processing of VAs. In this section you will find information on these integrations as well as details on how to enable them in VA Explorer if needed.

  • ODK Central

  • KoboToolbox

  • DHIS2

  • Algorithm Support

    • pyCrossVA

    • InterVA5


When integrating services with VA Explorer, operators should be aware of additional networking configuration if multiple docker-compose services are run on the same server.

docker-compose creates all containers that are part of its compose file under a default bridge network to allow intercommunication for that service. This setup does not allow one set of docker-compose managed containers to talk to another (VA Explorer -> ODK for example) by default.

To support this use case, operators can create an external bridge network and connect it to the necessary containers like so:

docker network create <external network name>
docker network connect <external network name> va_explorer_django_1
docker network connect <external network name> <other service's container name>

VA Explorer provides some additional network configuration to enable use of this external network via .env variables:

List of all configuration options when integrating with ODK Central, plus default values and descriptions for each#

Variable Name

Default Value




True or False. Used by VA Explorer determine if an external docker network should be used by integrations. Defaults to False.



An http scheme (http:// or https://) followed by the IP address given by docker network inspect <external network name> command. Found as the IPAM.Config.Gateway property’s value. Used by VA Explorer as an adaptor for HOST value of the service you wish to integrate with. Defaults to an empty string.

These .env variables should supplement the variables described below in whichever service(s) you wish to integrate with.

ODK Central#

VA Explorer supports integration with ODK Central to provide both manual and automatic import of VA questionnaire responses. You can read more about ODK Central via its documentation.

  • To perform manual imports of ODK Central data, please see Data Admin in the Admin training guides.

  • To configure VA Explorer for automatic import of VAs, the relevant .env variables are detailed below. Once properly set, run docker-compose up -d to push the new configuration. ODK integration features within VA Explorer should now appear and function.

List of all configuration options when integrating with ODK Central, plus default values and descriptions for each#

Variable Name

Default Value




ip:port or unix:path format location for the ODK Central instance to connect to. Defaults to an empty string for no connection. Recommended to customize.



True or False. Used by VA Explorer determine enforcement of valid ssl/https connections. Defaults to True for enforcement.



Value indicating the ID of the project in ODK Central that holds Verbal Autopsy forms or data. Typically, a number found in the url when viewing the project in ODK. Defaults to 2 (ex. /#/projects/2)



Value indicating the ID of the Verbal Autopsy form within the given project. Typically, found in the form list under the “ID and Version” column. Defaults to the ID of an example VA form.


Value indicating the email of the account you wish to use to login to ODK Central. Defaults to an example email. Recommended to customize.



Value indicating the password for the provided email’s account. Defaults to a blank string. Recommended to customize.


VA Explorer supports integration with KoboToolbox as an alternative to ODK that also allows for both manual and automatic import of VA questionnaire responses. You can read more about KoboToolbox via its documentation.

  • To perform manual imports of KoboToolbox data, please see Data Admin in the Admin training guides.

  • To configure VA Explorer for automatic import of VAs, the relevant .env variables are detailed below. Once properly set, run docker-compose up -d to push the new configuration. Kobo integration features within VA Explorer should now appear and function.

List of all configuration options when integrating with KoboToolbox, plus default values and descriptions for each#

Variable Name

Default Value




ip:port or url format location for the KoboToolbox instance to connect to. Defaults to an empty string for no connection. Recommended to customize.



True or False. Used by VA Explorer determine enforcement of valid ssl/https connections. Defaults to True for enforcement.



Value used to authenticate requests to the KoboToolbox API. A string of ~40 lowercase letters/numbers. Found for your user at KOBO_HOST/token when logged in to the instance. Inherits your same permissions. Defaults to an empty string. Recommended to customize.



Value identifying the project used to collect Verbal Autopsies within KoboToolbox. Typically found in the url when viewing the project on the instance (Ex. {KOBO_HOST}/#/forms/uk8r5yolfuacxkjibsj7nw/summary) Defaults to an empty string. Recommended to customize.


VA Explorer supports integration with DHIS2 to export VAs that have been processed and assigned causes of death along for potential further use. You can read more about DHIS2 via their documentation. Details on configuring DHIS2 for use with Verbal Autopsies metadata is also available via the DHIS2 VA program open-source project.

To configure VA Explorer for automatic export of VAs, the relevant .env variables are detailed below. Once properly set, run docker-compose up -d to push the new configuration. DHIS2 integration features within VA Explorer should now appear and function.

List of all configuration options when integrating with DHIS2, plus default values and descriptions for each#

Variable Name

Default Value




ip:port or unix:path format location for the DHIS2 instance to connect to. Defaults to an empty string for no connection. Recommended to customize.



True or False. Used by VA Explorer determine enforcement of valid ssl/https connections. Defaults to True for enforcement.



Value indicating the root Organization Unit UID within your DHIS2 organizational hierarchy. Should be available using the DHIS2 API Query: /api/organizationUnits?level=1. Recommended to customize.



Value indicating the username of the account you wish to use to login to DHIS2 Defaults to DHIS2’s existing default username credential. Recommended to customize.



Value indicating the password for the provided username’s account. Defaults to the default credentials for DHIS2’s default admin account. Recommended to customize.

If you encounter any issues during integration, please reference the Troubleshooting section.

Algorithm Support#

VA Explorer provides built-in support for cause of death assignment via the InterVA5 computer coded VA (CCVA) algorithm without additional configuration. If you would like to change how these services are configured (including the HIV or Malaria prevalence variables for InterVA5) or point to a custom service instead, this section will help with that. As a future expansion, VA Explorer may provide built-in support for additional CCVA algorithms.


pyCrossVA is provided as a built-in docker service to allow VA Explorer to transform VAs into input suitable for cause of death assignment algorithms. You can read more about it via its project page.

List of all configuration options when interfacing with the pyCrossVA service, plus default values and descriptions for each#

Variable Name

Default Value




ip:port or unix:path format location for the pyCrossVA service used by VA Explorer to prepare VAs for algorithm input. Defaults to built-in pyCrossVA docker service.


InterVA5 is provided as a built-in docker service to allow VA Explorer VAs to be processed for likely cause of death. You can read more about it via its project page.

List of all configuration options when interfacing with the InterVA service, plus default values and descriptions for each#

Variable Name

Default Value




ip:port or unix:path format location for the InterVA service used by VA Explorer to assign causes of death. Defaults to built-in InterVA docker service.



One of the enumerations “h” (high), “l” (low), or “v” (very low). Used to indicate the prevalence of Malaria within the population. Defaults to “l” for low.



One of the enumerations “h” (high), “l” (low), or “v” (very low). Used to indicate the prevalence of HIV within the population. Defaults to “v” for very low.



True or False. Used to set whether the InterVA cause grouping code is included with cause of death output. Defaults to False