Configuration & Deployment#

VA Explorer configuration is primarily set by docker-compose.yml with sensible defaults. Admins or IT Staff with access to the server hosting a VA Explorer instance can change this configuration via the .env file. To begin using this file (if you haven’t already during Installation & Setup’s Step 4) you can use mv .env.template .env and vim .env to open a .env file for editing. To give an idea for how the VA Explorer could be changed each of the options is documented below.

List of all configuration options for the base VA Explorer app along with default values and descriptions for each, plus external references where appropriate#

Variable Name

Default Value



Not Set

True or False. Will configure VA Explorer to report additional info in logs, error pages, console messages, and via a debug toolbar if True. Not set by default to allow settings.local or settings.production to handle value.



A Django Environ email_url which supports various email related URL schemas. Used to allow VA Explorer to connect to an email server and send email on your behalf. Setup to print to the console (docker logs) by default. Recommended to customize.


VA Explorer <>

The email address used in the sender field when VA Explorer sends automated emails. Format options include Name <email> or email. Default is app value here instead of Django default. Recommended to customize.


dcc02e52ccbb649b9feb e9182abfa5e03c49be6c

Hash used by Django to cryptographically sign things like sessions and account recovery email urls. Defaults to the given hard-coded random hash. Recommended to customize.



A list of comma separated ip:port or unix:path formatted strings representing the host’s or domain names that VA Explorer can serve. A security measure to prevent Host header attacks. Defaults to local computer browser only. Recommended to customize.



A Celery supported backend URL schema. Allows VA Explorer to support reading results from long-running tasks such as batch cause-of-death assignment. Points to built-in redis service by default.



ip port or unix:path format location for Django caching solution. Default allows VA Explorer to take advantage of same redis available as celery backend so is often the same value.


Not Set

Value indicating the username needed by the basic auth prompt that shows when attempting to access the celery flower interface. Not set by default.


Not Set

Value indicating the password needed by the basic auth prompt that shows when attempting to access the celery flower interface. Not set by default.



Value indicating the postgres host location. Formatted as a PostgreSQL host parameter. Default value points to built-in postgres docker container.



Value indicating the port postgres runs on at the host location. Formatted as a PostgreSQL port parameter. Default points to postgres port of built-in service.



Value indicating the name of the database used by VA Explorer. Formatted as a PostgreSQL dbname parameter. Default is name of app.



Value indicating the name of the user accessing postgres. Formatted as a PostgreSQL user parameter. Defaults to standard user.



Value indicating the password to use for the user accessing postgres. Formatted as a PostgreSQL password parameter. Defaults to standard pass of built-in service. Recommended to customize.


"Id10017,Id10018,Id10019, Id10020,Id10021,Id10022,Id10023"

A list of comma separated fields corresponding to questions on a VA (See standard). Allows for customization of which fields VA Explorer considers when attempting to detect duplicate VAs. Defaults to fields having to do with name, sex, date of birth, and date of death.

Config values are read from .env first, then docker-compose.yml if unset, and finally from framework settings in config/settings/ during end-user docker builds when config hasn’t been set elsewhere.


If you update any of these configuration variables, please also run docker-compose up -d once more to push your .env file updates to the various containers.

For further configuration information, particularly for integrating with external services such as ODK and DHIS2, please see Integrations.