General Information#

Welcome to VA Explorer, the open-source application that helps you or your organization manage and analyze verbal autopsies. This section will help you, as an end user, become familiar with VA Explorer through three simple steps.

  1. Navigate to your VA Explorer instance
    Where did you or your admin setup VA Explorer on the web? Go there in your browser and sign in or request an account from your admin as needed.

  2. Explore features based on your role
    Read through our Features section to get an idea what VA Explorer offers. You should have a role from when you created your account or from when one was created for you. See the User Guides here for role-specific guidance.

  3. Practice taking supported actions
    Whatever your role, you have the power to take action in VA Explorer! Try some of the actions out as you learn about them in this training, and you will build a solid foundation for working with VAs in VA Explorer going forward.

Outside of these three steps (which reference this training), modules are organized into general guidance, role-specific user guides, admin guides, IT guides, and finally, frequently asked questions. Please feel free to submit feedback if you find anything missing after reading and know that the VA Explorer team wishes you all the best in your VA management experience!

The VA Questionnaire#

VA Explorer’s foundation centers around the management of Verbal Autopsies (VAs) which are conducted by people and organizations around the world according to the 2016 World Health Organization (WHO) verbal autopsy instrument. VA Explorer will support the 2022 WHO verbal autopsy instrument in the future, when the CCVA algorithms also support the 2022 questionnaire. Use of non-standard VA instruments may cause issues in VA Explorer if attempted.

Your VA Explorer Account#

An administrator creates Accounts in VA Explorer. Your account role and any additional settings like geographic restrictions determine the parts of the VA Explorer you can access and the actions you can take. If you are an admin, this training covers this workflow.

If you are not an admin and you think your permissions are misconfigured, contact your system’s admin.